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- what is in your basket? your choice.
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- out on a limb
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- Fit for Service
- Walking Trees
- Facing Danger
- From the Stable to the Table
- The Angels Song
- Springstreet+Cornerstone music Sunday
- Davids Halelujah Chorus
- Thanksgiving(Sons of Thunder special)
- How to Forgive Yourself
- Overcoming Envy
- Love Is Patient
- Building Loving Relationships
- The Power of a Happy Church
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- Encouragement for the long haul
- Encouragement for Us to get along
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- Chosen to be His
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- how to handle roadblocks
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- what does God expect of me as a man
- His Masterpieces
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- Your Blessed Life
- The Myth of Ownership
- Building onto Foundations
- Salt & Light
- Conquering Loneliness
- How to do what matters most
- From B.C. to A.D.
- The Promise of Paradise
- Special message
- Special message
- Being a Child of God
- Created by Him
- Special message
- Lets not make it Difficult
- A Faith that Works
- NA
- Staying Focused
- A Goal For a New Year
- Christmas Eve
- Its Too Crowded
- no music
- I Don't Have Time
- Thankful Restoration
- Caleb: Give me that Mountain
- Do you want to see what Jesus sees?
- The Time of Harvest
- The Power of His Presence
- Why we are Here
- Re-Digging the Wells
- The Complacent Church
- The Faithful Church
- The Spiritually
- The Corrupted Church
- The Compromising Church
- The Suffering Church
- The Passionless Church
- Setting The Stage
- What The Church Does
- How We Go Forward
- Hearing From God
- NA
- NA
- Five Marks of a Spiritually mature person
- NA
- The Result of Being Spirit Filled
- 5/28/23
- Revival 5/27/23
- Three lessons from the life of Dimas
- NA
- Mothers Day Special
- NA
- NA
- NA
- 4\16\23
- NA
- The Lamb of God
- Faith
- The Power of God, not the Flesh
- For such a time as this
- Guest Speaker
- Return to Me
- Guest speaker
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- Experiencing the New Year
- Personal Questions for the New Year
- Christmas special
- Jesus Journey
- Spring Street
- Jesus Family Tree
- Hanging of the Greens (Thank You Jesus)
- Guest Speaker
- Thanks Living
- Timothy 3:16
- Youth Service 2
- The Choice is Mine
- New Life In Christ
- Wednesday Night Service
- Are you just hanging on?
- Knowing God as Jehovah Jireh pt 2
- Guest Speaker
- Wednesday night service
- When Bad Things Happen
- experiencing God as Jehovah Jirah
- Facing The Giants
- Experiencing God as Jehovah pt2
- When He Comes
- Experiencing God as Jehovah
- While We Wait
- Turning Bitterness into a Blessing
- the essence of God as Jehova pt2
- What is in Your Heart?
- The essence of God as Jehova pt1
- Youth, Worship night
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- communion
- The Purpose of the Church
- El Shaddai
- Where is your God?
- falls creek special
- Business Meeting
- similarities between salt and saints
- What can the righteous do
- Meeting God as El Shaddai (the God of Power
- Following God Wholeheartedly
- El Olam the everlasting God
- a silent father and sinning children
- el olam
- Gods cure for carnality
- El ROI, The god who sees Me
- living Godly in an Ungodly World
- El Elyon
- Guest Speaker
- Knowing god as Elohim
- Guest Speaker
- knowing God as Elohim
- Guest Speaker
- Wednesday night service
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- Easter Sunday special
- pondering the priority of Palm Sunday
- lord what do you want me to do
- revival pt 1
- The Response to the Gospel
- Oh what a Savior
- How to Find the Will of God
- how to settle down when shaken up
- Surrounded By Security
- The Overflowing Life
- The Shepherd's solution for His worried sheep
- Are You On The Proper Diet
- Walking With God Through The Experience Of Death
- Life in the Center of God's Will
- Christmas Message
- Getting back to God
- Guest Speaker
- how to satisfy the longings of your heart
- Encouragement to the Exhausted
- Is The Lord Really your Shepherd
- Four Irrefutable facts
- Too Blessed to be Depressed
- Making the most of life
- Don't wait until it's too late
- Live Stream
- Online Giving